Fanfic: Two Worlds Collide -Joe & Liz
Chapter One – Part One:
It was a usual morning, Liz woke up in the republic she lived with other three friends, Gaby, Paola and Melissa.
In breakfast:
Gaby-Good Morning, morena!
Liz-Good morning girls?
Paola and Melissa- Morning Lizzie.
Liz-So what’s up? Why are you guys so smiley?
Paola- 4 people are moving in.
Gaby- your sister, and other 3 boys that are in a kid rock band…umm, what was the name of the band Mel?
Melissa-Connect 3, honey.
Liz-The band with those three ‘morenos’ who don’t cut there hair for anything in the world?!
Melissa-Well, we thought you’d be Happy Elizabeth!
Liz-No way! And if those guys have long and smelly hair? Oh, my gosh I think I’ll die! Yuck!
Gaby-Oh, Come on, Elizabeth, you know how to be educated, just show it! Please…for us?
Liz-Only because I Love you girls, and because my big and bossy sister is coming to protect me!! –the 4 started laughing and continued to eat there meal.
Autor(a): rebecca
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