Fanfics Brasil - 01x07 Showtime The Glee Club - SEASON 1

Fanfic: The Glee Club - SEASON 1 | Tema: Musicas

Capítulo: 01x07 Showtime

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Sala do coral

Todos sentados. Wan entra.


Meninos, eu sei que vocês estão, muito tenso pelas seletivas, mas eu tenho que abrir o jogo, enquanto a gente ta nesse drama todo, as outras tão ensaiando, e a gente, mal sabe quem vai fazer os solos.


Bem Wan, eu pensei que a gente deveria ter uma apresentação em grupo, mas como a gente não tem coreografia feita, no improviso a gente deveria fazer um "Harlem Shake". E uma apresentação musical com as meninas, e outra com os meninos.


Muito bom, então vamos fazer isso!



Meninas sentadas no palco.


Bem meninas, como vamos se apresentar em grupo, que tal cantarmos uma música de uma Girl Band?


E eu ja sei qual será a música!


Auditório Centro de Eventod

Várias pessoas lotam vasto auditório, Wan observa.


Eles tem que vencerem!


Auditório - Camarim

Todos sentados. Wan entra.


A gente vai vencer essa parada!

Todos se abraçam.


Auditório - Trás das cortinas

Todos se aquecem, close em Carly assustada, Amber se aproxima.


Amiga, eu to com medo.


Não fica assim, oh, quando a gente tiver la no palco você nem vai perceber!


Auditório - Palco

We Got The Beat começa a tocar. Rose e Amber entram no palco.

                                             Rose e Amber

See the people walking down the street
Fall in line just watching all their feet
They don`t know where they wanna go
But they`re walking in time

Os outros entram e começam coreografia.


They got the beat
They got the beat
They got the beat, yeah
They got the beat


                                               Lana e Dean

All the kids just getting out of school
They can`t wait to hang out and be cool
Hang around `til quarter after twelve
That`s when they fall in line

                                               Anne e Carly

They got the beat
They got the beat
Kids got the beat, yeah
Kids got the beat



Go-go music really makes us dance
Do the pony puts us in a trance
Do the watusi just give us a chance
That`s when we fall in line

A maioria levantam e começam a aplaudir.


`Cause we got the beat
We got the beat
We got the beat, yeah
We got it



We got the beat
We got the beat
We got the beat
Everybody get on your feet
We got the beat
We know you can dance to the beat
We got the beat
Jumpin`,get down
We got the beat
Round and round and round
We got the beat
We got the beat...

Todos aplaudem. Dean e Cory saem rapidamente. Wannabe começa a tocar e Lana aparece no meio do palco.


Yo, I`ll say you what I want, what I really really want
So tell me what you want, what you really really want
I`ll tell you what I want, what I really really want


O resto das meninas entram com roupas 90`s.


So tell me what you want, what you really really want
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna
I wanna really really really wanna zig-a-zig, ah


If you want my future, forget my past
If you wanna get with me, better make it fast
Now don`t go wasting my precious time
Get your act together, we could be just fine



If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give
Taking is too easy, but that`s the way it is


What do you think about that?
Now you know how I feel



Say you can handle my love, are you for real?


I won`t be hasty, I`ll give you a try
If you really bug me, then I`ll say goodbye


                                                     Lana e Anne

Yo, I`ll tell you what I want, what I really really want
So tell me what you want, what you really really want

                                                     Carly e Amber

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna
I wanna really really really wanna zig-a-zig, ah



If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give
Taking is too easy, but that`s the way it is



So here`s a story from A to Z
You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully
We got Em in the place who likes it in your face
We got G like MC who likes it on an


Easy V doesn`t come for free
She`s a real lady
And as for me, ha, you`ll see



Slam your body down and wind it all around


Slam your body down and wind it all around



If you wanna be my lover, you gotta
You gotta, you gotta, you gotta
You gotta slam, slam, slam, slam


Slam your body down and wind it all around 


Slam your body down and zig-a-zig, ah



If you wanna be my lover

Meninas saem do palco. 


Auditório - Camarim

Todos sentados.


Acho que a gente mandou bem.


Tenho a leve impressão, que nossa perfomance foi fraca.


Em comparação as outras, a nossa foi maravilhosa.


E melhor, não falarmos sobre isso, não e bom ficar comentando sobre competição.


Auditório - Palco

Todas equipes reunidas. Close na equipe Glee, troféus brilham.


E o vencendor que vai para as regionais, daqui a algumas semanas, é o Club Glee de Lima Heights.

Todos impressionados, boquiabertos, alegres, pulam!


Sala do coral

Todos ao redor do troféu, posam para foto.


Isso é o resultado do nosso trabalho!


E isso merece uma comemoração!!

Dont stop the party começa a tocar.


You don`t get them girls loose, loose (TJR)
You don`t get the world loose, loose
You don`t get money pfew, pfew (Mr. Worldwide)
But I do, I do
You don`t get them girls loose, loose
You don`t get the world loose, loose
You don`t get money pfew, pfew
But I do, I do



Yeah, yeah, yeah, que no pare la fiesta
Don`t stop the party
Yeah, yeah, yeah, que no pare la fiesta
Don`t stop the party

                                                             Amber e Carly

I`m running through this world like a running back
Scarface, world is mine, running back
30.000 people in Hannover to see me
80.000 in London Wembley
90.000 Morroco, and I`m just getting warmed up, papo
Catch me with Redone in Stockholm, Beirut Café getting my drink on, Moli
While all the pretty women hit the hooka
All of `em sweet, azucar, azucar
Dale disfruta



They can`t, they won`t, they never will stop the party
Stop the party, stop the party, stop the party
They can`t, they won`t, they never will stop the party
Stop the party, stop the party, stop the party


I`m from a city where they`ll stretch you like slinkys, worldwide
And now I`m doing shows in Helsinki, Finland
I know what ya thinking, ya thinking that you can out think me, but you can`t, frankly
I`m out for the Benjies, frankly, C-Notes
Just cause you ain`t me, don`t hate me
As a matter fact you should thank me
Even if you don`t, you`re welcome, Yankees
Ziga, ziga, ziga, ziga, zow
Who got the keys to the world now?
Yours, truly! Blaoww, blaoww



To the money makers, it`s the place to be
Que no pare la fiesta
Don`t stop the party
To the sexy people, it`s the place to be
Que no pare la fiesta
Don`t stop the party


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