Fanfics Brasil - Magic Shop Vanilla Baby

Fanfic: Vanilla Baby | Tema: BTS

Capítulo: Magic Shop

18 visualizações Denunciar

**Summary for the Chapter:**
> Jimin and Jungkook both reach out to the Magic Shop Matchmaking Agency.
**Notes for the Chapter:**
> I just want to be clear for everyone, that though this story includes mentions of daddykink and BDSM themes, it is not a DDLB story. >
> Please enjoy.
Jimin held the phone to his ear and listened as it rang a few times, then the click of the call being connected and a smooth female voice.
“Thank you for calling Magic Shop where we help you find that someone you’re looking for. How can I help you today?”
“Uh… Hi. I found your website and I was um… wondering about signing up with your matchmaking service.”
“Yes sir, I would be happy to assist you with that. Are you looking to be a provider or a recipient?”
“Recipient.” Jimin liked that, it sounded more casual than sugar baby.
“Can I get your full name?”
“Park Jimin.”
“Okay, and what is your gender and status?”
“Male Omega.”
“Okay, well we would be happy to schedule you an appointment to come in and interview, fill out some paperwork, take some tests and portfolio shots. I’ve got an appointment tomorrow afternoon at 3:30, will you be able to make it?”
“Yes. I can make it.” That was perfect, his classes only went until 2:30 tomorrow so he’d have time to get there.
“Great I will put you on the schedule.”
“Okay. Is there anything I need to bring? Or anything I need to do before I come?”
“Just a valid form of ID and we’ll take care of everything else.”
“Well then, thank you.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Jimin hung up the phone and felt a little weird about the whole situation. He wasn’t sure he was totally comfortable with the idea of money for sex, but he had no other choice. It wasn’t like it was a permanent situation. He just needed to pay his bills and find another legitimate job, then he could call off this arrangement and that would be that. It was a one-time thing, and maybe it would even be a little fun. The idea of someone taking him shopping, and out to fancy restaurants seemed kind of nice. He wasn’t sure exactly what sort of arrangement he and his potential benefactor would have, so he wouldn’t worry until worry was necessary. It was something that a lot of people must do, if someone had made an entire business based on it.
He spent the afternoon in his nest, working on his homework for his business classes. Cooking was his passion, and what he wanted to do most, but if he wanted to own his own restaurant, he needed to know how to run a business. His week was split between culinary courses and business courses. He hated the business courses so much. They were primarily math based and he hated math with a burning passion. He was the type who was better with his hands than with numbers and calculations. He had always been impressed by people who were good at math.
Of course, he wasn’t stupid, he just didn’t have that internal calculator that some people were born with and thus had to figure things out the old fashioned way. His homework took up most of his day, but around dinnertime he was finally done with everything. He’d let it pile up because of work, but it felt nice to be totally done and not have any stress about trying to finish it last minute. Maybe if the whole sugar baby thing worked out, he’d have more time for his homework. That would be nice.
As an aspiring chef and culinary student he was a little appalled at how often he ate ramen for dinner. Really it was because it was what he could afford. He used to cook for a lot of the staff after hours at the restaurant for practice, and he would miss that. His tiny apartment had a little stove but it was not fitted out for any real cooking. He didn’t have the counter space for any type of real food prep, or the storage space for many ingredients. So it was ramen. At least it was warm and fast. Because getting out of his cozy warm spot in his nest was terrible, but getting back in with his warm soup made up for it.
He watched YouTube on his computer as he ate his ramen, rather comfortable all tucked up in his blankets and pillows, getting warmth from both his computer and food. He wrapped his hands around the ramen cup and let them leach all the warmth that they could, and sighing at the feeling. He ate his dinner, then called his mother to give his weekly checkup. He didn’t tell her about losing his job because he didn’t want to worry her. He just assured her that he was okay and that he was doing well in the city, asked about everyone back in Busan.
He listened to his mother’s long descriptions of what everyone was up to and occasionally adding in a ‘uh-huh’ or a ‘That’s great’ whenever it was appropriate while he picked at his cuticles and listened with half attention until the conversation finally wound its way back around to him, like always. He suppressed a sigh at the question he knew was coming.
“So, how’s your love life? Meet any nice Alphas or Betas that you like?”
“Eomma! How many times do I have to tell you, I’m not looking for a boyfriend right now. I’m focusing on school.”
“Well don’t focus too hard, you’ll go cross eyed.” She said with a laugh. “But really, Jimin. I just hate to think of you all alone there in the city, without any love and support. You don’t even have anyone to scent you before bed at night. I hate it. I just don’t want you to be lonely. It’s bad for Omegas to be alone. You know I just love you and want what’s best for you.”
“I know Eomma, and I’m doing fine. If I meet the Alpha of my dreams, I promise you’ll be the first to know, okay?”
“Alright, alright.” She conceded. “I won’t harp on about it. But think about finding someone, okay? Find someone to love. I know you have a lot of love in that heart of yours, share it with someone.”
“I’ll think about it. I’ve got to go. I’ve got school tomorrow. I’ll call you next week. I love you.”
“Love you too, Baby. Don’t forget to call your brother, he misses you too.”
Jimin hung up the phone and dropped it on the bed next to him with a sigh. His mom was always trying to encourage him to find a boyfriend, but he wasn’t looking for a serious relationship right now. He was young and still in school. He didn’t need the distraction of love to derail his future plans. Which was why the arrangement with the matchmaking service was ideal. Maybe he’d get more than one thing he needed from this setup.
There was one point on which his mother was totally right, though he’d never admit that to her. He was starved for physical intimacy and touch. He had friends, even a few close ones, but none that were comfortable holding him or scenting him. He tried to remember the last time someone had scented him, and he was pretty sure it was last Christmas when he’d visited home and his parents had hugged and scented him to within an inch of his life. He wished that his mom weren’t so right about everything all the time. It made being a rebellious child hard, when she was so full of logic and facts.
He picked the phone up and called his brother. He was sure his mom would be on the warpath if she found out he hadn’t called Jin. The phone rang and he heard the soft, lilting voice of his brother on the other end. The sound filled him with a longing so deep he was surprised by the depth of it. He and Jin had always been close, and being so far apart for such long periods of time, was hard.
“Hey Minnie! Did Eomma make you call?” Jin’s voice was amused and laughing.
“She didn’t make me. I wanted to call! I miss you, you know?”
“Of course I know! I miss you too baby brother. So, how are you doing? Are you sleeping well, eating right?”
“Yes, Eomma!” Jimin mocked, but eyed his empty ramen cup and freezing apartment, knowing he was lying.
“I’m just checking. I want to make sure you’re doing okay. I’m worried about you. You’re all alone there in Seoul and I can’t stop by every other day to make sure you’re healthy.”
“You sound more and more like Eomma every day.” Jimin laughed. “But thank you, I’m doing fine. How about you?”
Jin sighed. “I’m getting tired of this job. They treat the teachers here terribly. Of course I still love my students, but I’ve been thinking of moving after this school year. Maybe I’ll come to Seoul. There are always schools hiring teachers there. Plus half the single Alphas here are guys I went to high school with. No way am I mating one of them.”
“I’m sorry to hear that your job isn’t doing well, but it would be nice to have you closer. I really miss you, Jinnie. I can’t vouch for the dating scene, because I am the eternally single Omega, but I’m sure you would find someone you didn’t go to high school with at least.”
The idea of having Jin so close, of being able to see him anytime he wanted made his heart swell. He loved his brother and missed him every day.
“Poor Eomma and her two single Omega sons.” Jin said wryly. “No wonder she harps on us so much. She probably expected grandbabies by now.”
“Yeah, I imagine that she did. But she’s not getting them from me. I think you’ll have to take one for the team here.” Jimin joked.
“I would be honored. Let me just find an Alpha who treats me well and isn’t a dud in bed and I will be a baby factory. You know I want lots of pups.”
“Good luck with that. Let me know how your search goes.”
“Will do. But, I’ll let you go. I know you need to sleep. Love you lil’ bro.”
“Love you too. Talk to you soon.”
Jimin scrambled out of his nest to throw away his ramen cup and quickly brush his teeth before rushing back into his nest and snuggling into the blankets deeply, trying to get back his little pool of warmth. As he lay in bed he pictured what kind of person he would be paired with at the agency. He pictured his dream Alpha and had to laugh at himself. There was no way in the world he would ever be paired with his ideal type. But he still pictured the mental image that he’d built in his head over the years. Tall, strong, dark hair and eyes, a strong jaw line and big, warm hands, a kind smile and eyes that sparkled with humor. He scoffed and rolled over, dismissing his own thoughts. He was never going to meet his dream guy through a sugar daddy service.
Morning always came too soon and too cold for his liking, and as his alarm went off, he groaned. But as he remembered that today was the day he was going to the matchmaker, he convinced himself to get out of bed on his first alarm. He hoped to spend a little extra time on his appearance today so that he would look pretty in his pictures. He showered quickly and did his usual morning routine of dressing. He wore his nice jeans and a button up shirt, blow-drying his hair and trying to style it a little bit with the dryer. He even pulled out his little stash of makeup and dabbed concealer under his eyes, adding a bit of brown eyeliner and cherry chapstick.
When he was done, he smiled at his reflection. He was pretty today, and hopefully that would help him to find a good match. He skipped breakfast, grabbing his coat, keys, wallet and backpack before rushing out the door and jogging to the bus stop. There was a decent amount of snow on the ground now, enough that the streets had been salted. He almost slipped on the snow several times, the worn soles of his ancient white converse offering no friction to the slick ground. And also no warmth to his freezing toes.
School was boring, Mondays were all business classes. But at least he got to feel semi accomplished by having all his homework done early for once. He sat through his classes, trying hard to pay attention and not let his thoughts wander to his unusual interview he had scheduled for the afternoon. He was unsuccessful at his attempts to keep the appointment out of his head, but made it through the day. He had to take the subway to get all the way across Seoul, then take a bus from near the station and walk another four blocks to get to the building.
He looked up at the expensive looking office building. It was the kind of place that wasn’t all one company, but a big tower where many businesses rented space. He headed inside. The building was NICE, like… really nice. He looked around as he walked through, admiring the marble floors and high ceilings in the lobby as he waited for the elevator. This place must cost a fortune to rent in, and he felt bad as he left wet footprints across the pristine floors. He boarded the elevator and headed up to the 18th floor. This entire floor apparently belonged to Magic Shop, and he was greeted immediately by the receptionist at the counter.
“Good afternoon, welcome to Magic Shop. How can I help you?” The pretty female Alpha said, looking at Jimin with a smile.
“I’ve got an appointment today. My name is Park Jimin.”
She consulted her computer for a moment, clicking and scrolling then turning back and offering him another smile. She stood from the desk and walked around to him.
“Please follow me this way.”
Jimin followed her down a hallway and into an office where he was greeted by another female Alpha. The plaque on her desk read Son Wendy- Matchmaker. So he guessed this was the person conducting his interview. The receptionist left them alone and Jimin took a seat as directed. The woman across the desk was beautiful and a little intimidating, but when she smiled Jimin felt more at ease.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Park. I’m so glad you’ve decided to join our agency to find a match. I need to start out by asking you a few questions to make sure you’re suited to our services.”
“Uh… sure. Go ahead.”
“Great. First question, when was your last heat?”
Jimin was surprised that question one was such a personal one, but he knew that this would come up, so he just answered honestly.
“About a month ago.”
“Is there any chance you could be pregnant currently?”
“Would you be willing to take a pregnancy test and an STD screening?”
“Of course. No problem.” Jimin knew he was clean.
“What kind of financial support are you looking for?”
“Um… just like…help with rent and bills. Maybe tuition. I’m a college student enrolled at Seoul Culinary Institute and Seoul Business College.”
This answer seemed to surprise her, and she cocked a brow as she made notes on a pad in her lap.
“Okay. How many sexual partners have you had?”
Jimin cleared his throat and adjusted in his seat, face going pink.
“Just one.”
“I see. Would a sexual component to the relationship we set you up with be amenable to you?”
“Yes, of course. I would be… fine with that.”
The questioning went on and on, and eventually he was handed a list of kinks and sex acts and asked to check off which ones he would be willing to participate in. The list was LONG, way longer than he would have guessed. He didn’t know some of the words, and had to ask the matchmaker for explanations on a few, but ended up no checking any of those because they sounded gross or scary. He wasn’t exactly lily white. He’d had sex before, and he was a 21 year old who lived alone and had access to a laptop. He’d watched plenty of porn and had an idea of what he wanted in bed. So he checked off the boxes for the things that he’d be okay with participating in, feeling his face go red as he handed it back to the matchmaker and watched her read over it.
Anal Sex
Oral Sex
Phone Sex/Sexting
Masturbating (with partner)
Dry Humping/Grinding
Intercrural Sex
Face Sitting/Rimming (recipient)
Semi-Public Sex
Dirty Talk/Humiliation
Blindfolds/Sensory Depravation
Light Bondage
Hair Pulling
Orgasm Denial
Daddy Kink
Praise Kink
After a few moments, the matchmaker slipped the sheet of paper into the stack that she was filling out before looking up at him and folding her hands on her desk.
“I think you are a perfect candidate for our services. So, our next steps are to get your pregnancy and STD tests done. We have a team in-house who can do it on site, and once that’s cleared we just need to get your contract signed and take your portfolio photos and you’re good to go.”
Jimin was led to another part of the office, which looked like a little medical center. He was sat down and had blood drawn. He waited about thirty minutes and he guessed his tests had cleared because he was brought back to Ms. Son’s office to read and sign his contract and fill out his personal information documentation. He read and filled out everything carefully and made sure that there was nothing suspicious in it before signing his name at the bottom and handing it back.
Jimin felt ridiculous as he was led to a little photo studio and sat in different spots as a photographer took a bunch of pictures of him from every angle. He’d never modeled before and it was kind of embarrassing. He did his best, trying to smooth his face into his usual ‘selfie face’. He was given several changes of clothes and moved around from location to location in the little studio to get him in different lighting and backdrops. He didn’t really understand why they needed all this. If the person was attracted to him, then that was enough, right? But they were the experts, so he kept quiet and did as he was told, posing and moving as directed.
He dressed back in his own clothes and was led back to the elevator by the photographer. As they walked through, he caught an intoxicating scent in the air, like coffee and the dark bitter chocolate he always craved when he was in heat, mixed with a darker scent of earthy male. An Alpha scent. He took several deep breaths, looking around for the source, but finding none. Some part of him wanted to seek out the owner of the dark, rich scent, but he controlled himself and bid the photographer farewell.
He checked his phone to see that it was already 6:30 PM. He’d been there for three hours, but he was glad it was done. Now that he’d taken the first step, it was bound to get easier. He stepped into the elevator and rode back down to the lobby, noting that the Alpha’s scent was here in the elevator too. He had never felt so attracted to a smell before, but he was sad when the doors opened and he had to leave it behind.
Jungkook pressed dial and waited until the call was picked up. A female voice answered.
“Thank you for calling Magic Shop where we help you find that someone you’re looking for. How can I help you today?”
“Yes, I’m calling to set up an appointment with your service.”
“Yes sir, I would be happy to assist you with that. Are you looking to be a provider or a recipient?”
“Can I get your full name?”
“Jeon Jungkook.”
“Okay, and what is your gender and status?”
“Male Alpha.”
“I would be happy to schedule you an appointment to come in and interview, run some tests and browse our portfolios. I have an appointment at 5:30 PM tomorrow, will that time work for you?”
That was much earlier than Jungkook would usually leave work, but he doubted they would stick around until 10:00 PM for him to come by.
“That will be fine.”
“Great I will put you on the schedule.”
“Thank you.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Jungkook hung up the phone and sat back in his desk chair. He was getting a sugar baby. What an unexpected turn of events. But, honestly he was a little excited. It had been so long since he’d had sex that he felt like he was going to combust. He just needed to get laid. Badly.
Shoving those thoughts aside, he turned back to his computer and opened up his programs and data on his side project. He was actually looking forward to working on it when his mind wasn’t slow and logy from tiredness. Things were actually progressing after a few hours of complicated calculations and coding, entering new parameters into this testing program and running simulations. He missed doing this. He missed the complex math, the trial and error that was a natural part of any computer science. He felt himself relaxing into his project and before he knew it, it was dark outside and his stomach was protesting loudly that he hadn’t eaten all day.
He ordered food again, but from a different place. He didn’t want another run in with the Omega from the day before. He ate in front of the TV, kind of wishing he had someone with him. He had always hated eating alone, but over the years had gotten used to it. He thought of his college days when all the guys in his department would go out for chicken and beer on the weekends. He missed the camaraderie of a group of friends who all shared his interests. He missed the debates about math and coding and the stupid inside jokes.
A lot of those guys actually worked at his company now. He’d recruited them after the business started to take off, stealing a few from his much larger competitors. He sometimes thought about trying to get the old gang back together for drinks, but thought it probably would be awkward to go out drinking with the boss. Yoongi’s words from earlier ran through his head, ‘We both know you want to be downstairs in the lab working on the new products and designs.’
His friend was right, he did want to be in the lab. He wanted to be creating the innovations for his company, but he also wanted his company to be successful. He didn’t trust anyone else to do his job. If he hired someone and they turned out to be a failure, it would be a mess that he would never be able to clean up. Who else would work themselves to the bone like he did? No one. The company was his baby and he was loath to entrust its management to a stranger.
He did his nightly work out and took a shower, actually going to bed at a decent hour for once. But even though he was tired, his mind wouldn’t shut up. So many things circled the drain of sleep, clogging it and not letting him rest. His project, his company, his parents, his friends, his potential sugar baby. He pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes and sighed deeply, wishing he could shut his brain off. Sex had always been the best thing he’d known to clear his mind, but he was alone.
Once he’d thought of sex, his mind naturally veered down that path. His body responded at once, warming as his cock lengthened and hardened in his boxers. He worked a hand under the covers and palmed himself through his boxers, trying to get some relief. His mind played through its usual images as he stroked over himself, a nameless faceless Omega on all fours or on their knees, or any number of other positions. However as he closed his eyes and let his mind wander over the idea of sex, his faceless Omega became someone with a very distinct and memorable face. The blond Omega from the coffee shop. The one with the pretty, vanilla bean scent.
His cock pulsed in his hand, and he felt a small wet patch of pre-cum on his boxers as his temperature skyrocketed. He threw his covers off and pushed his boxers down, kicking them off before reaching into his nightstand for the bottle of lube he kept there. He dribbled the cool liquid over his heated tip and stroked himself with a firm hand, closing his eyes and letting the picture of his lovely blond stranger wash over him again. His lips had been so full and lush, he would look perfect on his knees with his mouth stretched around his cock. He’d been so pale that Jungkook bet he got all pink and blushy when he was aroused. It made his entire body burn to picture that lovely face all red and splotchy with exertion, or even better covered in his cum.
That image had him moving his hand faster. The little Omega would smell like him for days after that, he would be covered so strongly in his scent that his light, sweet one would be completely overshadowed by Jungkook’s own. He ground his teeth as he pictured fucking into his mouth, down his throat as he gripped his lovely blond hair and used his mouth like a fleshlight. He bet that he took cock like a dream. Imagined him loving to get fucked hard and deep until he couldn’t remember his own fucking name.
His orgasm hit him like a freight train, slamming into his body and carrying him miles from his worries and as he came down from his high, he was actually relaxed. That had been the best orgasm he’d had in years, and as he glanced down his body he saw that he was covered in ropes of his own cum from belly to neck. Usually masturbating didn’t produce much cum for him and was generally unsatisfying, but he’d just had the most mind-blowing release in recent memory.
Jungkook grabbed his boxers with his toes and flipped them up, catching them in his hand and using them to clean the cum and lube off. He’d have to take another shower in the morning, but he was too tired, too sated at the moment to get out of bed. He pulled the covers up over himself and dozed almost at once, falling into a deep and dreamless sleep, and when he woke to his alarm, he actually felt rested for once.
Everyone seemed a little scared of him, almost gawking as he made his way into work and to his office. He realized as he saw his reflection in the glass panes of the windows that he was smiling and that’s why people were looking at him weird. He smoothed his expression into his usual impervious mask as he took his spot behind his desk and started back in on his reports. He made his way through the rest by lunchtime and accepted Yoongi’s offer to go out to lunch.
As they left, people were again staring with interest and curiosity. Most people never saw Jungkook leave his office unless headed for a conference room. Jungkook just looked at his business partner and scoffed.
“Am I such an oddity that everyone needs to stare?” Jungkook said as they waited for the elevator.
“This is the first time most of them have seen you without a scowl on your face. They’re probably wondering what poor Omega took the brunt of your frustrations to put you in such a good mood.”
Jungkook just laughed and shoved Yoongi. “Fuck off.”
As they stepped into the elevator Yoongi hit the button for the garage, laughing too.
“But seriously, who was it? Did you get laid finally?”
“You’re so interested in my sex life. I’m starting to think you’re gonna make me an offer.” Jungkook put a dramatic hand to his forehead and turned to his friend. “I’m sorry Yoongi, but I just don’t love you like that. I hope we can still be friends.”
The Alpha flipped him off. “You’re an asshole. But I’m glad you seem to be feeling better.”
They took Yoongi’s red Porsche to lunch, and as they ate, he realized that his friend really thought he’d gotten laid. His friend had always had the most interesting views on life, and his blasé attitude and deadpan delivery never failed to make him laugh.
“I told you, you just needed to get laid. You get your dick a little wet and suddenly you’re shooting rainbows out of your ass. I’m telling you. All an Alpha needs in this life are two things.” Yoongi said, turning meat on the little grill at their table.
“And what are those two things? I’m fascinated.” Jungkook rested his chin on his hands in mock-interest, but Yoongi answered anyway as if not knowing or caring that he was being sarcastic.
“Full bellies and empty balls. That’s it.”
Jungkook burst into laughter, unable to hold in his amusement at his unusual friend. Why was he even surprised?
“You are truly a romantic at heart.”
“I’m a realist. Hunger and horniness are the enemies of logical thinking. These are facts.”
“You should write a book. Go on tour and give self-help speeches. You’re so inspiring. Your book can be called ‘Jizz: The Enemy of Alpha Clarity’. I’d buy it.”
Yoongi just flipped him off again and they started eating, changing the subject back to work until it was time to go. The rest of Jungkook’s day was one of the most productive he’d had in a while. He guessed that there was some wisdom in letting yourself rest, though he’d never admit to Yoongi how right he’d been. Honestly though… he actually thought it might have been more thanks to his mystery coffee shop boy. He hadn’t had a decent orgasm in so long, and finally getting off had helped a ton in relaxing him and allowing him to sleep.
He was almost late to his appointment at Magic Shop, as he’d been on a long conference call all afternoon. He arrived only a few minutes late, but as soon as he exited the elevator, he smelled a familiar scent that had his body warming and his cock twitching in interest. Vanilla bean… lovely. He wasn’t sure where it was coming from, it seemed to just fill the space in general. He dismissed it, thinking maybe someone had a candle or something. But still couldn’t help but breathe through his nose, enjoying the pretty smell that reminded him of his mystery Omega.
He walked up to the reception desk and looked at the tall female Alpha at the desk. He caught her scent, wondering if she was the one making the vanilla smell, but she smelled like pine. It wasn’t her.
“Good afternoon, welcome to Magic Shop. How can I help you?”
“Hi, I’ve got an appointment. Name’s Jeon Jungkook.”
She consulted her computer briefly before giving him a smile and walking around the desk.
“If you’ll follow me sir.” She swept a hand to indicate the direction they were headed.
Jungkook followed her down a hallway and into an office that was occupied by another female Alpha, who stood and shook his hand with a surprisingly strong grip.
“I’m Kang Seulgi. It’s nice to meet you Mr. Jeon. Please have a seat.”
Jungkook sat in one of the chairs across the desk and saw the receptionist leave and close the door behind her from the corner of his eye. He turned his focus to the matchmaker across the desk, who was looking at him with professional composure.
“Let’s get started, shall we?”
“Of course.”
“Are you currently in a relationship?”
“No. Why would I be here if I was in a relationship?”
She gave him a wry smile. “You’d be surprised how often we get that.” Jungkook just cocked a brow at her, and she continued. “Are you currently sexually active?”
“Would you be willing to submit yourself for an STD screening?”
“What would the parameters of the kind of financial support you would be offering?”
Jungkook thought about that for a moment. “I don’t really have set parameters. I’m pretty negotiable depending on what the recipient would need in terms of finance.”
“Would you be willing to see someone who was seeing more Alphas than just you?”
“No. I’m looking for something exclusive. Someone who would be available to me when I need them.”
“I see. Can you tell me what kind of partner you are looking for? Gender and status and any other specifics.”
“I’m looking for an Omega, preferably male…” Jungkook hesitated for a moment, but threw caution to the wind. “Blond.”
Maybe he could at least fuck them from behind and pretend it was his pretty stranger. Which was a shitty thing to do, but it wasn’t like he’d ever tell them.
“Okay. I will get some of our profiles together for you while you have your STD screening, then we will need to process your payment and we can proceed from there.”
Jungkook was led to another part of the floor to have blood drawn and wait as the sample was processed and he was cleared and led back to the matchmaker’s office. As they walked through the hallway, the vanilla bean scent was so strong that it made him even more curious to where it was coming from. He looked all around as he went but saw no sign of what was causing it. He took his seat across from the same female Alpha and waited for her to start.
“Okay. So, everything came up clear and we’re ready to proceed. I’m sure you read our website, but to review, we run on an annual fee. You will need to pay the $15,000 before we proceed any further. You will also need to sign a contract for confidentiality and agreement to our terms and conditions. We are in effect a matchmaking service as you know, and once you and one of our recipients are connected the way your relationship progresses is entirely up to you. However, if any ill behavior is reported, you will be banned and reported to the authorities.”
“No problem. How do you want your payment? Would a check suffice?” Jungkook asked, reaching into his jacket and pulling out his checkbook.
“That’s perfect. Please take a look at these documents, fill them out and sign, then we can move on to the fun part.” She handed him a contract and personal information documentation to fill out, that he read carefully, completed and signed.
He filled out the check and handed it to her, in return receiving a stack of portfolios. He took the top one from the stack and opened it, browsing the contents. He looked at the pictures. The Omega was pretty, soft and sweet looking, but he wasn’t right. He closed it and set it aside, grabbing another and flipping through, feeling similarly unsatisfied. He repeated this process until he reached the bottom of the stack. All the profiles were just… wrong. It wasn’t what he was looking for. He unfairly compared them with his pretty coffee shop boy and none of them had a chance.
Just as he was getting ready to set the last one aside and call this a failure, there was a quiet knock at the door, and Mrs. Kang called for them to enter. Another female came in, but what caught Jungkook’s attention was the vanilla scent that she brought with her. As she walked over, she offered her hand to him and he took it, shaking firmly and discreetly taking a deep breath of her scent. The vanilla scent was on her, but not her scent. Her scent was rose.
“Mr. Jeon, this is Son Wendy. She is another one of our matchmakers. Wendy, this is Jeon Jungkook, a new client.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Jeon.”
Mrs. Son turned to Jungkook’s matchmaker and handed her the portfolio. “We just got a new recruit. I heard you were looking for blonds. He just came in today and got his paperwork done. Thought you might want this one too. He’s very sweet.”
Mrs. Kang opened the portfolio and glanced over it for a moment before closing it and offering it to Jungkook. The Alpha took it and flipped it open. As soon as he looked down at the picture he felt his heart jump into his throat. No fucking way. It was his pretty coffee shop boy. He read the name, Park Jimin. It was the perfect name for the lovely Omega. He flipped through the pages absorbing every fact that he could find, scanning the photos with hungry eyes, and when he came to the list of approved sex acts and kinks he felt his cock spring to life. Beautiful, and sexually adventurous, the perfect Omega. There was no way he was this lucky.
He wondered how Park Jimin had come to be a sugar baby. The matchmaker had said he was brand new. He was the most beautiful Omega he’d ever seen. He turned to Mrs. Son with an intensity that he usually saved for the boardroom, but he couldn’t help it. This was a serious matter.
“Park Jimin. Tell me about him.”
She seemed slightly taken aback by his severity, but answered.
“He’s a college student, young, pretty, very soft and sweet. I think he must have fallen on hard times, because he wasn’t dressed for the weather. His cheeks and nose were pink from cold when he first arrived. He said he’s just looking for help paying his bills and tuition, which is a first for me. Most of the time, the demands are for expensive gifts and cash. He’s quite a little catch.”
“Perfect. I’ll take him.” He held up the portfolio. “Can I keep this?”
“We have backups of everything on the cloud, so if you are accepted, we can send you a digital copy. We insist that first contact be made through us to allow the recipient the option of declining the proposition.”
Jungkook nodded and handed the file back to her. “Alright. Tell me the moment you hear back from him.”
“Sir, would you mind us taking your photo to send along with your offer? It usually helps to make Omegas more comfortable to associate a face with an offer.”
“I don’t mind at all.”
Jungkook allowed himself to be led to yet another part of the floor. Jimin’s scent was strong here, he must have just had his photo taken here very recently, and the smell of vanilla bean was lingering on the objects he had touched. He sat in a leather chair and let their photographer take a myriad of pictures of him. It wrapped up quickly and when they were done, he left with assurances that as soon as they had an answer they would contact him.
As he drove home he was rock hard, the idea of actually fucking the pretty coffee shop boy had him completely amped up. His body was thrumming with energy and desire. He wished that he didn’t have to wait, and worried slightly that he might actually be refused. He thought it was unlikely however, he knew he was good looking, and if Jimin was looking for money, he was happy to give him anything he wanted as long as he got to have him in his bed.
That night he dreamt of the lovely vanilla scented Omega sprawled on his bed wearing a long string of pearls and nothing else. He woke gasping, with cooling cum in his boxers. He hadn’t had a wet dream since he was a teenager, but something about Park Jimin had him amped up bad.

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**Summary for the Chapter:**> Magic Shop reaches out to Jimin on behalf of Jungkook. **Notes for the Chapter:**> Please enjoy.> > If you want to follow me on Twitter, you can find me @PeaceFanfics Jimin woke with an itchy nose, and as he was roused by the annoying chime of his alarm, he rubbed at it with one hand while the other reached for his phone to shut off ...


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