Fanfics Brasil - The Offer Vanilla Baby

Fanfic: Vanilla Baby | Tema: BTS

Capítulo: The Offer

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**Summary for the Chapter:**
> Magic Shop reaches out to Jimin on behalf of Jungkook.
**Notes for the Chapter:**
> Please enjoy.
> If you want to follow me on Twitter, you can find me @PeaceFanfics
Jimin woke with an itchy nose, and as he was roused by the annoying chime of his alarm, he rubbed at it with one hand while the other reached for his phone to shut off the noise. The old wives tale his mother always told him about “if your nose itches, someone’s thinking about you” went through his head and he scoffed. In reality he thought he was probably getting a cold since he spent about 80% of his life freezing during the winter. But as he rolled out of bed, he didn’t feel sick. Maybe someone was really thinking about him.
His shower was his favorite part of his day. It was the one time he felt truly warm, as the hot water rained down on him and defrosted his whole body. One day, he promised himself that he’d have a house with a huge bathtub where he could take hour long scalding hot baths just to warm him all the way down to his bones. The mental image made a little half smile come to his lips as he reluctantly turned off his own hot water and was instantly shivering, reaching for his towel and drying off quickly.
He was on the bus when he received a call from Magic Shop, and his heart thumped in his chest. He glanced around before answering, not wanting anyone on the bus to overhear his call. He swiped the little green phone icon and put the cell to his ear as the call connected.
“Good morning, is this Park Jimin?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
“Excellent. My name is Kang Seulgi. I am one of the matchmakers here at Magic Shop. We have a client, a male Alpha who is interested in you.”
Jimin felt his heart beats speed up more, face going pink as he struggled for what to say.
“Oh… Okay. So, what do I need to do now?”
“Well, if you are interested I can send you a little information on him, to give you an idea if he’s someone you would like to meet with. You can review it and give us a call back and we will set up the first meeting. We usually suggest meeting in a public place the first time so that both parties feel safe and it gives you an opportunity to evaluate your opinion and decide whether you want to pursue the transaction.”
“Yes, please send me his information. I will take a look at it and call you back later today.”
“Yes sir. I will send it over shortly. Have a great day.”
“You as well.”
Jimin hung up and was sorely tempted to look through his emails, but he wasn’t connected to Wi-Fi and he had precious little data to use for anything that wasn’t strictly necessary, so he waited until he got to school and was able to connect to the internet in his wing of the university. He slipped into an unused classroom that had been empty all semester and pulled his phone out, opening his email and finding 1 unread. He tapped it and scrolled down to read the body.
FROM: K.Seulgi(@)MagicShop(.)com
Mr. Park,
Per our phone conversation please see attached file containing information about the Alpha who has expressed interest in partnering with you. If you have any questions or need any further assistance, please feel free to contact me by phone or email.
Thank you,
Kang Seulgi
Magic Shop, Inc.
Jimin opened the attachment and just as he was about to scroll down and read the available information he saw the time in the corner of his phone. It was less than five minutes until his class started, he reluctantly blanked his phone and slipped it into the pocket of his torn jeans before bolting down the hallway and making it into the classroom with just enough time to spare. He was a little winded as he slung his backpack up onto his workstation and greeted Jackson, who sat next to him and was his usual partner.
Baking 101 was one of his favorite classes, and their teacher, an eccentric older Omega named Heechul was easily Jimin’s favorite professor. The class was always full of laughter and smiles, which Jimin attributed to his teacher’s influence, but which Heechul said was the smell of chocolate chip cookies, which makes people think of childhood and mother’s love.
Jimin was distracted all throughout class, and came very close to burning his pastel-colored macarons, pulling them out just in time to make them salvageable. The little cookies were devilishly hard to cook and get right, but he was glad to see that his had come out just right. As he’d baked them, Jackson had whipped up the frosting so that when they were cool, they would be ready to make the little sandwiches.
“Alright. Spill. What’s going on? You’re never this airheaded, especially not in class.” Jackson said, hands on hips as he stared the Omega down while Jimin rested the cookie sheet on a rack to cool.
“It’s nothing. I just didn’t sleep well.” Jimin replied defensively.
“Bullshit. Look me in the eye and tell me it’s just because you slept badly.”
“I… alright fine! I slept fine. It’s none of your business. It’s personal.” Jimin could feel himself blushing and wished he had better mastery over himself.
“You’re blushing!” Jackson accused. “Did you meet someone?” His smile was knowing and a little smug.
“It’s none of your business.” Jimin repeated, looking away.
“You’re so cold Minnie! I told you all about Mark when we met.”
“There’s nothing to tell. I haven’t met anyone.”
That much at least was true. He had yet to meet anyone, even if he had a very tempting email to read as soon as class was over. He was never admitting to being a sugar baby. He would take the information to his grave. No one would ever know about this, even the one who had given him the idea. There were some things that were best just kept to yourself, and being paid for sex was definitely one of them.
“Alright, alright. But, you know you can talk to me right? And Mark, we’re here for you.”
Jimin patted his friend on the shoulder. “Of course. Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. Promise.”
They made their little macarons and placed them gently in little boxes, divvying them up between the one for their professor and the ones they would take home for themselves. Jimin let Jackson have two of the three boxes, since Mark loved sweets. He slipped his little box into his backpack and headed out when the class was dismissed. He parted ways from Jackson at the bathrooms and slipped into one of the stalls, pulling his phone out of his pocket and opening the attachment quickly.
Provider Profile
Name: Jeon Jungkook
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Status: Alpha
Occupation: CEO/Co-Owner
Compensation: Flexible/TBD
Relationship Parameters: Exclusive
All of what he read were simple facts, he didn’t know what he’d expected. It wasn’t a Tinder Profile, it was just the bare facts about the Alpha. He scrolled down further and saw the attached picture. He froze as he took in the face of Jeon Jungkook. Could this be right? This male was so handsome, so strong and powerful looking. His dark gaze was intense and dominant, his face elegant with a strong jaw and cheekbones carved by the gods themselves. Why on earth would this Alpha go to a matchmaking service? He had to have Omegas lined up around the block to be with him.
As he studied the picture, he was assaulted by a mental image of this gorgeous Alpha on top of him, pushing deep inside him as his elegant features morphed into a mix of concentration and pleasure. His dark gaze was an erotic promise, it spoke of decadent dominance and wicked midnight delights and had Jimin squirming even from a single image. How was he supposed to be composed under this male’s scrutiny? Jimin would probably make a huge fool of himself to even try. But he knew he had to try.
He was already wet just from the thought of being near this Alpha. He had to curb his thoughts, because the last thing he wanted was to walk through campus smelling like slick. He closed the profile to get the image off the screen, but it didn’t matter. His mind remembered every detail of his handsome face, every line and curve and dip that made up the gorgeous man who not only wanted to sleep with him, but wanted to pay him to do it. It was a dream.
Jimin would have slept with Jeon Jungkook for free, honestly. He was so devastatingly attractive that he felt his Omega half longing for his cock already, and they hadn’t even met. It had been so long since he’d had an orgasm, and his body was now in revolt since the option was again on the table. He never masturbated in the deep winter months unless he was in heat, he didn’t want to have to get out of his warm nest and venture into the cold to clean up the slick and cum from his body and sheets, his shower didn’t provide enough hot water to give him time for both washing and masturbating either, so he was basically celibate in the winter.
Jimin took deep breaths, trying to calm his racing heart and mounting arousal. This was not the time nor the place for it. He focused on breathing, trying to remember the recipe for the cookies he had just made in class, focusing on trying to remember the exact measurements of ingredients. The distraction was helpful and brought the fever that had started to rise in him back down to a manageable level. He looked down at the phone clutched in his hand. He needed to call Magic Shop and tell them he accepted the offer, and to go ahead and set up the meeting, but he was nervous.
His hands were shaking as he tried to unlock his phone, several times before finally succeeding. Jimin listened to the sounds of the bathroom to make sure he was still alone. He found his recent calls and tapped the number, putting the cell phone to his ear and waiting as it rang. His stomach was full of anxious butterflies and his knees felt watery and unstable as his legs went weak. He heard the call connect.
“Thank you for calling Magic Shop where we help you find that someone you’re looking for. How can I help you today?”
He kept his voice quiet as he spoke. “Hello, this is Park Jimin. Can I please speak to Kang Seulgi?”
“One moment please.”
The line went quiet, then the sound of the advertisement that played while you were put on hold started to play.
“Here at Magic Shop, we are dedicated to matching you with the perfect Alpha, Beta or Omega to suit your needs and desires. Our matchmakers are all trained and licens-“ The speech cut off as the phone was picked up.
“This is Kang Seulgi, how can I help you?”
“Hello, this is Park Jimin. You called me earlier about the match.”
“Ah, yes sir. Have you made a decision?”
“Yes. Um… I would like to say yes. Please set it up.”
“That’s great. I would be happy to set it up for you. What is a good time in your schedule?”
“My classes never run later than 5 o’clock. So anytime after 5 is good, and weekends are free too.”
“Perfect. Would you prefer that I call or email the meeting time and place?”
“Email please. I will be in class for the rest of the day.”
“Absolutely. I will get everything arranged and email you the details.”
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you. Have a great day.”
Jimin hung up the phone and felt himself fill with nervous excitement as he imagined meeting the Alpha. But he glanced down at his phone and realized he had to get going to his next class or he’d be late. He pushed his jeans down and cleaned the gathered slick with toilet paper as best he could before dashing off to his next class, Chemistry in Cooking.
He could still feel the slight wetness of slick between his legs as he jogged to his next class, he needed a shower, or a decent orgasm. Either one would suffice at this point. But since he had classes until 5:00 on Mondays, there was no chance for that happening. He made it to class just in time and took his usual seat close to the front of the class. Before long he was joined by Mark, Jackson’s boyfriend. He was tall for an Omega, almost equivalent in height with his Alpha, but where Jackson was thick and muscular, Mark was lean and waiflike. Jimin secretly thought he looked like a fairy or an elf from some medieval fantasy novel, with his small delicate features and honey-tinted brown hair that contrasted perfectly with Jackson’s black hair and sharp, masculine features. They were really the dream couple, both majoring in culinary arts and planning to open a restaurant together after graduation. They’d met their first year of school and after about six months of thinking they hated each other’s guts, they realized that they were actually in love, and been together ever since.
“Hey Jimin. Are you getting sick, you look a little flushed?” Mark asked, pressing a hand to his forehead.
Jimin knew perfectly well why he was flushed. It was because he was still horny as hell and the mental image of the Alpha he was supposed to meet soon wouldn’t get out of his thoughts.
“I’m fine. I just had to make a call after class, so I ran here.”
“Oh. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, just a family thing. How about you?”
“I’m good, just exhausted. Have you found another job yet?”
“Um… maybe. I’m kind of waiting to hear back on something.”
“Well, I hope it works out. I’ve been working extra shifts to make up for Jackson losing the job at the restaurant. He feels really bad about it, but I know he’ll find something soon. And… to be honest… well this might be TMI, but I really like the treatment I’ve been getting to make up for it. I think I limped to class today.” Mark laughed, and Jimin joined in.
“I thought he seemed in a good mood earlier.”
Jimin thought they were the cutest pair to ever exist. They often fought jokingly, bickering and squabbling like an old mated couple over little things, but making up just as quickly. He had to admit that he wanted a mate like that someday, someone who made him laugh and never stopped looking at him with the kind of devotion that poured off Jackson when he looked at his Omega. It was something to behold, and to aspire to. Unlike his friends however, Jimin wasn’t looking to get mated right now. He had goals and dreams to accomplish. All he wanted a good orgasm and enough money to pay his bills, and he hoped that he may have found the answer to both in one Jeon Jungkook.
He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and knew he’d just received an email. The temptation to look at his phone was strong, but just as he reached for it, the teacher called their attention to the front of the class. He tried not to pout as he pushed his cell back in his pocket and turned his focus on the teacher. This class required his full focus, as a lot of the concepts and science behind the theories were complicated. He took notes, trying to ignore the petulant urges of his inner Omega to pull out his phone and look at the email.
By the time class was dismissed it was already past lunchtime and Jimin was starving. He walked with Mark to the little café on campus and bought a coffee and muffin with his limited funds that he really shouldn’t be spending at the moment. Rent had been due on Friday, and he’d hoped to earn what he needed on his weekend shifts to cover the remainder, but at the moment he only had about half of it. Mark took his lunch and had to head off for his next class, but Jimin had a little longer before he had to go, so he sat at one of the little tables and pulled his phone out opening his email. He couldn’t wait any longer.
FROM: K.Seulgi(@)MagicShop(.)com
Mr. Park,
Per your request I have set up the meeting between you and our client Jeon Jungkook. He would like to meet with you tonight at 6:00 PM at the restaurant Persona. I have included the address and a link to their website in the attached document. If you are going to have any schedule conflicts, please contact me as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Kang Seulgi
Magic Shop, Inc.
Tonight. He was meeting with Jeon Jungkook tonight. At Persona. Holy shit. How had the Alpha gotten a table there with such short notice? Jimin didn’t have to look at the attachment to know about the restaurant. The place was, justly famous. As a culinary student, he knew all the high-end restaurants around Seoul. He was hoping to own one himself one day, and studied them all as a matter of course. He couldn’t believe he was going to Persona. He’d wanted to go there since they had opened last year and had yet to have a chance.
Although, as he looked down at himself he realized that he wasn’t really dressed for dinner at a high end restaurant. His torn jeans, oversized black and white flannel shirt, converse and faded grey coat were not exactly posh. He didn’t really have any clothes that were appropriate for the occasion, and even so he wouldn’t have time to go home and change if he were to make it there by 6:00. His last class ended at 5:00 and by the time he took the subway and several busses it would take to get there, he’d be lucky to be on time at all. He guessed he had no choice but to go as he was and hope that Jeon Jungkook didn’t take one look at him and laugh in his face.
Jungkook was irritated all morning as he showered, dressed and headed for the office. Not having an answer about the Jimin situation was like an itch under his skin that he was dying to scratch. For a man used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted it, whether through cleverness, hard work or money, it was endlessly frustrating to have to wait when he was so unaccustomed to it. Everyone at work was staring at him again, probably because of the 180 degree turn in attitude back to his usual stoic and slightly off-putting self.
He was only in his office for a total of about two hours before Yoongi found his way into one of the chairs across from him. Jungkook just rolled his eyes, not wanting to deal with anything other than finding out if Park Jimin was going to accept meeting with him or not. His lack of attention to his friend didn’t put him off his mission however.
“And he’s back. The good old Jeon Jungkook who likes to scare the shit out of interns and makes everyone think he hates them. What’s up? Did whatever Omega you finally managed to bang decide that they don’t want anything to do with you?”
The question was joking, but it hit a little closer to the truth than he was totally comfortable with.
“There is no Omega, and if there were it still wouldn’t be your business. Don’t you have work to do?”
“I do have work to do, but unlike you I have a secretary, an administrative assistant and a personal assistant, so I’m not chained to my desk all day like someone I know. Did you forget we have the conference call with the manufacturing plant this morning?”
Honestly, he had totally forgotten. He turned back to his computer and started to type quickly.
“Hold on, just let me send this email, then we can…” Jungkook faded off as the chirruping ring of his cell phone cut through the office.
His head whipped toward it instantly and he snatched it up off his desk, looking at the number and recognizing it as the number for Magic Shop. He was filled with simultaneous hope and dread as he looked at the call screen.
“This is a personal call, so can you?” Jungkook made a shooing motion with his hand to indicate for Yoongi to leave.
The other Alpha gave him a look of suspicion but stood and started to walk toward the door. Jungkook was sure this wasn’t the last he’d hear from Yoongi about this odd behavior. He didn’t have many secrets from his friend, and the fact that he was asking him to leave for a call was a big red flag.
“Okay, but don’t be too long. The call starts in 15 minutes.”
Jungkook nodded absently and swiped the screen to answer the call, putting the phone to his ear as the door swung closed behind Yoongi.
“This is Jeon Jungkook.”
“Good morning, Mr. Jeon. I spoke with Park Jimin this morning and he has agreed to meet with you.”
Jungkook felt the knot in his stomach unclench. He hadn’t realized how queasy he’d felt until that very moment when the stress disappeared and was replaced with excitement.
“Great. So what’s the next step?”
“For the safety and comfort of both parties, we always recommend meeting the first time in a public place. I’ve asked Mr. Park about his schedule and he’s available after 5:00 PM on weekdays and all day on weekends. If you want to schedule a reservation at a restaurant I will pass the information on to Mr. Park and he will meet you at the scheduled time.”
“Yes. I’ll make a reservation somewhere now and call you right back with the details.”
“Yes sir. Would you still like me to email you his profile?”
“Absolutely. Send it over and I’ll call back shortly.”
Jungkook hung up and thought for a few moments, trying to think of a good place to take Jimin for their first meeting. Somewhere public, but preferably with secluded tables so that strangers couldn’t overhear their discussions. Because this meeting was not just for them to meet each other, but also to discuss what kind of payment would be appropriate, and talking about limits, boundaries and schedules. He did a quick search on his phone and called the number for Persona. It was quick work to get a private table after he dropped his name and title, and he accepted a slot for 6:00 PM, agreeing to the exorbitant fee they attached to the reservation without question.
He looked at the time and realized he had less than five minutes before his meeting, but he still risked it, dialing Magic Shop.
“Thank you for calling Magic Shop where we help you find that someone you’re looking for. How can I help you today?”
“This is Jeon Jungkook, can I speak to Kang Seulgi?”
“Yes sir, one moment please.” The call went to hold and the advertisement started to play.
“Here at Magic Shop, we are dedicated to matching you with the perfect Alpha, Beta or Omega to suit your needs and desires. Our matchmakers are all trained and licensed to the highest possible stand-“ The ad cut off.
“Mr. Jeon, good to hear from you. Have you scheduled a meeting place and time?”
“Yes. Tonight at 6:00 PM at Persona.” There was a knock at his door and he knew it was Yoongi telling him it was time for their conference call. “I’m sorry, I have a meeting. I have to go. But you’ll let him know?”
“Of course, have a great day.”
Jungkook hung up the phone and stood from his desk. He would never ever admit to the little happy dance he did, pumping both fists into the air before clearing his throat and straightening his tie. He grabbed his phone and put it in his jacket pocket and headed out of the office, not quite able to suppress the smile tugging at his lips. He was so ready for it to be 6 o’clock and wished he didn’t have so much work to do.
The conference call that was supposed to take one to two hours tops ended up lasting a whopping three hours and fifteen minutes. It was all extremely frustrating to deal with the manufacturing plant trying to cut their own costs by using lower quality materials, but he and Yoongi were both in complete agreement that they would not sacrifice quality just to save a buck. Their parts were not known for being the cheapest, and Jungkook didn’t want them to be known for that. Their business had succeeded because their products were of higher quality than their competitors, and that was the number one thing that was never to be sacrificed.
Of course the heads of all the departments were there, and offering opinions to the co-owners, both for and against the use of cheaper materials. Jungkook and Yoongi stayed firm however, because they were never going to improve on products if they started declining in quality. Their computer parts had grown quite the following among the serious elites in the field and that was the clientele to which they were culpable.
Jungkook was thoroughly annoyed by the time the meeting was over. Having to make the same point over and over for three hours would do that. He collapsed into his desk chair and rubbed his eyes, trying to get himself back into regular work mode after such a frustrating call. He glanced at his computer monitor to see that it was lunchtime. He needed to get out of his office or he was going to start throwing things.
Just as he was about to go in search of Yoongi, he pulled his phone out to check if he had any missed calls, but saw the email from Magic Shop. He smiled as he opened it, frustration bleeding away instantly as he opened the attachment and looked over the profile.
Name: Park Jimin
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Status: Omega
Occupation: Student/Unemployed
Compensation: $1500.00 monthly minimum
Jungkook frowned at the compensation amount. Hell no. Jimin was so exquisitely beautiful; he would never insult him by offering so little. He set the thought aside and moved on, feeling himself get hot around the collar as he looked at the list of approved sex acts and kinks again, reading the items one by one and imagining doing each and every one with the pretty boy. He was already hard by the time he got to the pictures. There were more now than he’d seen in the profile and he was wearing different outfits in some of them.
Jungkook studied them carefully, devouring the images with his eyes. He noticed that they were like, glamour shots. He wished there was a full body shot of him. He wondered if he had a nice ass. He hoped so, because Jungkook loved nothing more than a perfect, round…
“Hey! We going to lunch today or what?” Yoongi snapped from the doorway. He hadn’t even heard the door open.
“Uh… yeah.” Jungkook slipped the phone in his pocket and discreetly adjusted himself under the desk before standing and grabbing his coat and gloves, following Yoongi out toward the elevators.
As they stepped into the elevator, Yoongi finally exploded. Jungkook could tell he had been holding in all his frustration. Jungkook was equally frustrated, but currently a little distracted by imagining Jimin’s pale skin against his black sheets.
“Those fucking assholes are going to drive me crazy. I am so close to telling them to fuck off and finding a new manufacturing plant, or building one.”
“Do it, ask around and get some bids. There are so many companies who would love our business. We could always find one with a good reputation and see if we could absorb it into our company. Then we don’t have to deal with bullshit like this. Things will be easier if we don’t have to fight the manufacturer at every turn.”
Their conversation centered on this topic for most of the drive and meal, but after a while they ran out of steam to complain about stupid manufacturers and their useless management. The conversation turned back to the personal.
“So, what was up with the secret personal call? After you finished you were back to smiling and looking all happy. Don’t bullshit me Jungkook. I know you too well for it. Are you seeing someone?”
“I’m not seeing anyone.” Technically true. “Look, it’s personal. I know that you’re just worried about me, and that’s very nice of you. But I’m an adult. I’m fine. I promise that if I need to talk or anything, you’ll be the first to know.”
Yoongi gave him a long, hard look and sighed.
“Alright, fine. What choice do I have?”
Jungkook felt a small fondness for his friend who was like a big brother to him. Yoongi had always looked out for him since they were kids, and still tried to this very day. It was nice to have a loyal friend who was always there for him, even if he was a nosy bastard sometimes. Their usual banter returned as they ate the rest of their lunch and headed back to the office. Jungkook was already getting behind on work, and he knew that staying late tonight was a no, since he had his meeting with Jimin. He would likely have to stay late for the next couple of nights.
The rest of the day felt like it lasted an eternity, the way that a day always felt when you were looking forward to something. But eventually 5 o’clock rolled around and he left with a smile on his face, looking forward to finally meeting his pretty boy in person, as well as the possibility of more happening tonight. He was sure that he could provide what Jimin wanted financially. But he was more interested in the list of kinks and what other things he might be able to provide the Omega in the way of orgasms, and items to check off his bucket list.

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**Summary for the Chapter:**> Jimin and Jungkook meet for dinner.**Notes for the Chapter:**> Please enjoy.Jimin was so nervous he felt like his stomach was going to fall out of his mouth as he boarded the subway, headed for a much posher part of Seoul. As he got off one train and waited for another one, he already noticed how underdressed he was. The people surrounding ...


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