Fanfics Brasil - Pretty Boy Vanilla Baby

Fanfic: Vanilla Baby | Tema: BTS

Capítulo: Pretty Boy

15 visualizações Denunciar

**Summary for the Chapter:**
> Jimin and Jungkook meet for dinner.
**Notes for the Chapter:**
> Please enjoy.
Jimin was so nervous he felt like his stomach was going to fall out of his mouth as he boarded the subway, headed for a much posher part of Seoul. As he got off one train and waited for another one, he already noticed how underdressed he was. The people surrounding him were all men and women in business suits or expensive designer brands, all in thick, warm coats that kept the winter chill at bay. Jimin shivered, wrapping his arms more tightly around himself as a gust of cold wind announced the arrival of the next train. He looked down at the torn knees of his jeans that he’d owned since high school, noticing how pink his skin was from the cold.
His muscles were quivering from the chill, teeth chattering as his second train arrived and he gratefully stepped onto the packed train, setting his heavy backpack by his feet and grabbing a handhold as the train began to move again. The car was packed, and he was pressed in on all sides, but after a few minutes, he felt a hand brush his ass. He scooted forward a little assuming it was just an accident, but after a few moments it happened again, more insistently, then the hand groped him. Jimin turned and looked up into the face of a youngish Alpha, not terribly handsome, very bland and unassuming features. Jimin didn’t bother to keep his voice low as he addressed the asshole.
“Keep your fucking hands to yourself.”
The people around them all turned to watch the confrontation. The Alpha who’d grabbed his ass looked angry.
“Whatever, bitch. I didn’t touch you.”
“Uh-huh. Let’s keep it that way.”
He turned back around and grabbed his handhold, one hand going down to his backpack and grabbing the handle on top, getting ready to disembark at his stop. Just as they were approaching the next station where Jimin would need to get off, he felt the hand return and grab his ass again. He didn’t bother addressing the Alpha again, he just turned, let go of his handhold and hit the groper right in the nose as hard as he could. He felt a shock of pain ring up his arm at the force of the impact, his hand immediately starting to throb, and he knew his knuckles would be bruised.
“I said, keep your hands to yourself, asshole.” Jimin barked, slipping through the crowd and off the train as everyone else was still in uproar.
He jogged through the station and up the stairs, out onto the street and to the bus stop, throwing his backpack over his shoulders as he ran. He couldn’t stop smiling, even as he shook out his hand, turning his wrist to test the joint and make sure he hadn’t hurt it. That wasn’t the first time and probably wouldn’t be the last time he had to confront someone on the train that didn’t know how to keep their hands to themselves. A lot of Alphas liked to think that Omegas were all meek and helpless, but Jimin didn’t take shit from anyone, especially not idiots who thought that having a nice ass was invitation to grope him. It had felt good to hit him, and he’d deserved it.
His knuckles were already purpling and swelling a little. He knew he’d be fine, but he’d hit the Alpha really hard. He pressed his bruised hand to the cold metal of the bus stop shelter, letting the cold soothe the ache in his hand for a few minutes until his bus arrived and he had to hop on. He had to take two connections before he finally arrived at the stop closest to his destination. As he stepped off the bus and onto the curb, he looked around at all the fancy shops, bars and clubs, and the equally extravagant people, dressed to the nines as they walked down the streets, headed for unknown destinations. Jimin checked his phone, and saw that he was already five minutes late. He took off at a run, sprinting the two blocks to the doors of Persona.
Jimin paused for a few moments, outside the restaurant. He caught his breath and smoothed his hair back, trying to bolster himself up with courage. He knew there was a good chance that the Alpha he was meeting might turn him down, and he tried to prepare himself for that possibility. He soothed himself with the knowledge that the Alpha had picked him, and that was something. He’d felt such an unusually strong attraction to the male after he’d seen his photo that being rejected by him would probably make his inner Omega wither with shame.
He set those thoughts aside and straightened his shoulders, trying to look more confident than he felt. It was one thing to confront an asshole on the subway, but quite a different matter to face down an Alpha he was actually attracted to and who he hoped would want to be his sugar daddy. He was more accustomed to trying to shut Alphas down and turn them away than to invite them closer. Hopefully he would be able to pull this off. He took one last deep breath, then stepped forward and opened the door.
He stepped inside and was met by a maître d in a suit nicer than anything he owned. Jesus, even the waitstaff were dressed better than him. But he simply looked up at the male and smiled slightly.
“How may I help you sir?” The host asked with a slight incline of his head.
Jimin had to suppress an urge to laugh at the pompous way he was addressed. He wasn’t used to being treated like an actual adult, as most college students invariably were.
“I’m here to meet someone. Jeon Jungkook.”
He consulted his list and gave a short bow before holding out an arm to indicate the direction.
“Yes sir, right this way please.”
Jimin felt like a child as he looked around eyeing the beautiful décor, the restaurant was all purples and blacks, classy and a little intimidating. But it smelled incredible, the scents of well-prepared food reminded him of his classes and actually soothed him a little. He was led through a maze of tables and to a private parlor. He felt the butterflies in his stomach riot as his nerves kicked back up. The partition was pushed aside to reveal the man from the picture sitting at a table for two, holding a glass of wine and looking every inch the powerful Alpha CEO. Jimin felt all the breath whoosh from his lungs at the sight.
He’d expected Jeon Jungkook to be handsome and sexy. He hadn’t expected him to be… beautiful, or so big. He was tall, broad and obviously well-muscled, Jimin could see that even though he wore an expensive suit. As he breathed in again, he felt his scent go through him like an electric shock. It was the same scent he’d noted at Magic Shop, coffee and dark chocolate. He was mesmerized as his dark eyes turned on him and he felt rooted in place by the intensity of his stare.
“Sir, would you like me to take your bag and coat?” The maître d asked, breaking the moment.
Jimin came back to himself all at once and turned to look at the male who’d addressed him.
“Oh… yeah. Here you go.”
Jimin slipped his backpack off and handed it to him, doing the same with his coat. The look that he gave him made Jimin realize he’d done something wrong. An old memory of a movie with a scene in a fancy restaurant. He felt the blood rush to his face as he realized that he should have let the maître d take his jacket off for him. Fuck. He was already embarrassing himself in front of this gorgeous Alpha.
“That will be all for now.”
The sound of the Alpha’s voice shivered down his spine, warming his skin as goosebumps bloomed all over his body. The maître d gave a small bow and left, pulling the partition closed behind him. Jimin wasn’t sure what to do, he’d never felt so awkward and unsure of himself. His inner Omega was pushing him to just climb into the Alpha’s lap and lick over his scent gland until he was drunk on the coffee and chocolate scent, but his reasonable half told him that was not a good idea. Maybe later.
Jungkook had never been so hard in his life as he watched Park Jimin walk into the little private parlor and he smelled his lovely vanilla bean scent and saw him up close for the first time. He was even more beautiful than he remembered. His nose and cheeks were pink from cold, lips a little chapped probably also from the cold, they were red and lush and inviting. And when he’d shrugged out of his coat and turned to hand it off, Jungkook couldn’t help but glance down, then do a double take on the most perfect ass that had ever been graced by denim. Holy shit. He drank him in as he moved, and watched the way his clothes shifted on him, hinting at what he assumed was a small waist hiding under his oversized flannel shirt. Perfect.
“Have a seat.”
Jimin did as he was told, moving forward and sitting in the chair across from the Alpha. He had a hard time meeting his intense dark stare, but he wanted to look, which resulted in him continually glancing up at the Alpha as he squirmed in his seat. He was all too aware at that moment of the slight wetness between his legs, left over from his earlier arousal. He felt his blush increase as he remembered getting wet from just this Alpha’s picture. He had to take several steadying breaths before looking up and meeting his gaze, forcing himself not to look away.
“Sorry about my clothes. I know I’m underdressed, but I came straight from university.” Jimin said, surprised by how breathy his voice sounded.
“Don’t worry pretty boy. You look lovely.”
Oh gods, what a time to have a praise kink. Jimin looked down and tangled his hands in his lap, trying to convince his body that he was not aroused, and he didn’t need to be leaking slick in a public place for the second time that day.
“Thank you, you’re really handsome… I wasn’t really expecting… I mean, I just thought that the Alpha I’d get paired with would be, you know…”
“Old, fat and creepy?” Jungkook finished for him, with a little smile.
Jimin bit his lip and gave a little nod. He needed to get his shit together, he was supposed to be seducing him, but all he could do was stare and squirm as he felt himself starting to get wet again. Fuck. He focused his attention on his still throbbing hand, and the focus on pain helped alleviate some of his nervousness. He was a badass who had just punched an Alpha in the face less than thirty minutes ago. He didn’t need to be intimidated by Jeon Jungkook, even if he was devastatingly gorgeous.
“So, I don’t know if this is rude, but why? I mean, you’re handsome and obviously rich. I’m sure you have a lot of dating options. Why are you looking for a sugar baby?”
“Well, I’m a busy man. I have a company to run and I don’t have time to foster a relationship. I’m really just looking for someone to help relieve some stress. I also get invited to a lot of events that require a date, and being harassed by either Omegas who want to mate with me for my money, or parents of Omegas who want to set up weird marital business alliances get’s old fast. I was hoping to have someone to take with me to ward off the social vampires. And a pretty boy Omega is just the thing to do it.”
Jimin felt a wave of pleasure at being called pretty again. He giggled at the term ‘social vampires’, but stopped quickly. He was supposed to be sexy and he was kind of ruining it.
“Well, honestly I’d be happy to help you relieve some stress.” Jimin smiled as he saw the Alpha’s jaw flex, as if he were grinding his teeth. “I’ve never been to the kind of parties you’re talking about, but I’m guessing my main function would be to look pretty and laugh at your jokes?”
“Something like that.”
This Omega had no idea the line he was toeing as he teased him with his words and enchanted him with his pretty, tinkling little laugh. Jungkook was taking him home tonight, that much he knew. He was going to fuck him so hard he forgot his own name. He’d been self-contained for too long, and he wanted Jimin too much to be gentle once he unleashed himself. The soft vanilla scent was driving him wild. He was rock hard, throbbing in the confines of his dark slacks. He wished that their relationship was further along in familiarity, because he’d have Jimin under the table sucking him off… but such fantasies would have to wait. For now, he needed to convince him that he wanted Jungkook to be his sugar daddy.
“So pretty boy, what convinced you to look for a sugar daddy? I’m sure you also have plenty of offers. With an ass like yours, you must have Alphas lined up around the block. So, it’s probably not about sex, but more about money.”
Jimin guessed he wasn’t entirely wrong. He did get offers a lot, and had been asked out by a number of Alphas at school or at work, but he wasn’t looking for a relationship. He’d had one boyfriend during his first year in college, but they hadn’t lasted long. They hadn’t even had sex yet when the Alpha had started talking about getting mated and having pups, and about how Jimin would stay home with their babies. Yeah… not fucking happening. He had goals, and no Alpha was getting in the way of them. Jungkook probably thought he was pretty promiscuous since he had signed up to be a sugar baby, but honestly he hadn’t had sex since high school and that had been… more of an experiment with a friend than actual real sex.
Before Jimin could answer a waiter pushed the partition aside and strode in with a glass of water for Jimin, and menus for them both. Jimin accepted his menu and the waiter gave him a polite smile.
“Good evening, what can I get you to drink sir?”
Jimin looked at Jungkook who gave him a little tilt of his chin, as if telling him to order whatever he liked.
“Could I see your wine list?”
The waiter pulled a small booklet out of his apron pocket and handed it to him. Jimin opened the little booklet and browsed the selection. He smiled as he saw one of his favorite wines among the list. It was expensive, but Jungkook was supposed to be a sugar daddy right? A good glass of wine was something to be savored and enjoyed, and he hadn’t had a glass of decent wine in months.
“I’ll have the 2008 Domaine Leflaive Puligny-Montrachet Les Folatières 1er Cru.”
Jungkook’s brows rose at the perfect French pronunciation. It was honestly kind of sexy. Although that might have more to do with the fact that he found everything Jimin did to be sexy. He watched as the waiter’s face showed a little surprise that the casually dressed young man was able to not only pick a good wine, but pronounce the name with little to no difficulty.
“We’ll take the bottle for the table please.” Jungkook added, drawing the attention of the waiter.
“Of course sir, I will get your wine and be back to take your orders.” He turned and disappeared, closing the partition behind him.
“You speak French?” The Alpha asked, turning his attention back to Jimin.
“Not really. I speak wine, I guess.” Jimin laughed at his own little joke, making Jungkook smile. “I’m in culinary school, so you learn a lot of French there, and you learn a lot about wine.”
“Oh, you want to be a chef?”
“Yes. I love cooking. I want to open a restaurant like this someday.” Jimin said, indicating the general splendor of the place. “It’s been my dream as long as I can remember.”
Jungkook was enthralled by the way the Omega lit up as he talked about his dream and love for cooking. He smiled so wide that his perfect, white teeth showed and his eyes curved into little crescents. He was stunningly beautiful, even with a bare face and loose, faded clothes, he was the most attractive Omega he’d ever laid eyes on.
“Do you want to order for us both? To be honest, I don’t know that much about food. You’re the expert here.” The question seemed to be the right one, as the Omega’s smile widened and his eyes disappeared more into the little crescent moons.
“I would love to.”
Jimin was a little excited about picking their food, he was determined to find something that Jungkook would like. He’d read several articles about this restaurant and had an idea of what their specialties were, and what the best dishes were. He opened his menu and read through the choices with a discerning eye, looking for something special. He decided to go with the saffron risotto and the langoustine ravioli. There was something weirdly erotic about picking their food, and he wondered if Jungkook would let Jimin cook for him sometime. The idea of watching the Alpha eat something he made himself had him feeling warm. He clenched his thighs together as a mental image of Jungkook’s strong jaw flexing as he chewed cut through him, bringing back his earlier arousal.
The waiter returned with two glasses and the bottle of wine that they had ordered, pouring two portions and setting the bottle on the table between them. Jimin ordered their food easily and the waiter disappeared with the menus and Jungkook’s first wine glass, leaving them alone again.
Jimin wasn’t sure what to say to Jungkook as the Alpha looked back at him, as if still waiting for an answer to his earlier question. Jimin considered lying about his reasons for becoming a sugar baby, but he didn’t really want to lie. Jungkook had been honest, and he should have the courtesy to do the same. If it didn’t work out, at least he’d get an amazing meal and a good bottle of wine out of the deal. That was something.
He didn’t want the Alpha to think he had all this experience and expect him to know a lot about sex, because he was pretty sure that as soon as things started to get hot and heavy, it was going to be glaringly obvious that he was inexperienced. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves before starting to speak. Honesty was the best policy, especially in this situation, where the truth would be so easily discoverable.
“Look, I’m just gonna be honest here… I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t really have that much experience with sex and I signed up with Magic Shop because I lost my job and couldn’t find another one. I’m just a broke college student with bills and tuition to pay. I will admit that it’s about money, but at the same time… well, it’s a little bit about sex too.”
“Oh? Tell me more.” Jungkook leaned an elbow on the table and rested his chin in his hand, looking at him with rapt attention.
Jimin felt his face go hot again, and he reached for his wine glass. He took a fortifying sip of wine and sat his glass back on the table. He opened his mouth to speak, but Jungkook interrupted him before he could speak.
“What happened to your hand?”
The Alpha stared at the purpling knuckles that looked extremely painful, and recent, judging by the redness of the skin around them. Jimin pulled his hand back and cradled it protectively against his chest. Jungkook’s eyes narrowed. It was clear that Jimin had hit someone or something, the question was why? Had he been in a fight?
“Oh… that.” He watched as Jimin’s expression got a little smug. “Some jerk Alpha on the train thought it would be fun to grope my ass on the way here. I thought it would be fun to knock him unconscious.”
Jungkook’s brows rose in surprise again. His pretty boy was a little firecracker and full of surprises. This knowledge only made his attraction stronger. Though, the thought of someone touching him, and especially touching him against his will had his inner Alpha snarling with anger. He told himself that it was just because he was an Omega, and he would feel the same about anyone. If he repeated that to himself enough, he might even start to believe it.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked, giving him a once-over looking for injuries.
“Totally fine. It’s not the first time or the last time I’ve had to deal with a groper on the train or bus. It’s not a big deal.” Jimin waved off the concern with a flippant hand.
It sounded like a big deal to Jungkook, but it wasn’t really his place to comment on Jimin’s life. He wasn’t his boyfriend, hell, they weren’t even friends. They were acquaintances at best, and he wasn’t going to push his opinions on the Omega who seemed to have handled the situation well enough on his own.
“Well, I hope you broke his damn nose.”
Jimin giggled, making Jungkook’s stomach dip at the pretty sound and smiling face of the Omega.
“I think I did actually.” Jimin leaned forward and rested his elbow on the table, putting his chin in his hand and mirroring Jungkook’s posture. “So… we were talking about sex.”
Jungkook watched as Jimin licked over his bottom lip and grey eyes met his with an expression that was questioning and a little teasing. Jungkook could smell the sweetening in the air between them and had to hold in a growl as he caught the scent of Jimin’s slick. His cock jerked at the knowledge that the Omega was aroused, was already wet for him. Fuck he wanted to skip dinner and go straight home with him.
“We were… you were telling me why you wanted to be a sugar baby?” Jungkook prompted.
“Ah yes. Well I’m not looking for a mate. Alphas my age get attached too quickly and want to jump straight to committing themselves for life. I just want to have a little fun, and I don’t want to have to deal with all the petty, clingy, possessiveness that comes with dating an Alpha my age.” There was a short pause where they stared eye to eye, studying each other. “I just want someone who will give me a decent orgasm.”
“I can definitely help with that.”
Jimin quirked his lips and gave him a penetrating look. “Can you?”
The challenge was there, and it had Jungkook’s Alpha fraught with tension as he fought the urge to bend the Omega over the table and make him scream so loud the entire restaurant would hear him beg for Jungkook’s knot. He satisfied himself by reaching his hand forward and swiping a thumb over Jimin’s pretty bottom lip, then pressing it inside his mouth. His thumb was surrounded by delicious warm wetness as the Omega gently sucked on the intruding digit. He pressed his thumb down, trapping the Omega’s tongue under it for a moment as he leaned forward and spoke lowly to him.
“I most definitely can, pretty boy. I’m gonna have so much fun with you, making you beg for my cock.”
Jimin was hard and he was wet, too wet for a public place. He felt an urge that he’d never felt before. He wanted to submit, to turn his eyes down and whine in obedience. He was shocked by his own desire to let himself be reigned over by this Alpha. It was unfamiliar, but it had him aching between his legs as his body dewed with arousal.
Jungkook was going to cum. He was so totally about to blow a fucking load right in the middle of this restaurant as Jimin’s eyes closed and he let out a little whimpering noise. He could smell his slick so strongly he knew his underwear must be soaked. Jimin was not only wet for him, but he was submitting to him, accepting Jungkook’s control and allowing it freely. Fuck. He slid the thumb in his mouth out and pushed back in slowly, repeating the motion a few times, fucking his finger into the warm, slick softness of the Omega’s mouth. He heard footsteps outside their little room, and remembered where they were. He pulled his finger free with a little ‘pop’ sound and a tiny gasp from Jimin.
The Omega’s eyes opened and looked at him. The grey orbs were glazed with lust and his bottom lip was wet and shining in the soft light. Gods, this had to be the most beautiful male to ever exist. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, pupils blown and cheeks flushed. He looked ready to be fucked. But before he could do anything about the look, the partition was pushed aside and he watched as Jimin came back to himself. His eyes cleared and he sat back, pushing his hair back from his face and taking a deep breath.
“Excuse me. I need to use the restroom.”
Before Jungkook could say anything, Jimin was up and walking out of the parlor. He wanted to follow after him, but knew it wasn’t a good idea. He wouldn’t be able to stop himself once he got started. He sighed and sat back in his chair as the blushing waiter put bread on the table and excused himself. Jungkook knew why he was blushing. The room smelled like slick and probably a little like cum, given the amount of pre-cum he was producing.
He used the opportunity to get himself back together a little. At least, as best as he could manage with a raging erection. He took his suit jacket off and let it drape over the back of his chair, loosening his tie and unbuttoning the top button of his shirt, suddenly sweltering in the small room that still smelled like vanilla bean scented slick. He took a few deep breaths, trying to ignore the scent that filled the air and clear his head. He needed to calm down. There were still things he needed to discuss with Jimin.
Jimin walked quickly to the restroom, eyes on the floor as he rushed past tables. He tried to ignore the warm squish of slick between his legs with every step, but knew that he must smell like arousal to a point that others noticed. He pushed into the bathroom and locked himself in the first stall, leaning back against the door and trying to even his breaths. He was pretty sure he’d never been this turned on in his life. He was so hard that it was starting to hurt, and they hadn’t even done anything yet. He needed to chill out and stop being so horny in the middle of dinner.
Jimin took deep breaths to clear his head, running his hands through his hair and giving the blond strands a little tug. He quickly pulled his pants and underwear down and tried to clean up the copious amounts of slick that had gathered in his boxers. It was a losing battle, but he wasn’t about to throw his slick soaked underwear away in a public bathroom. Especially not a restaurant this nice. He needed the extra layer of protection anyway, since he doubted Jungkook was done turning him on.
He did his best to clean up, then went to the sinks to wash his hands. He studied his face in the mirror, noticing how red his cheeks were from blushing. He dried his hands and pressed them to his cheeks, trying to cool the skin, but it didn’t actually help much. He ran his hands through his hair, fixing it back to normal. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He needed to talk to Jungkook about his payment, this wasn’t a date. It was a business deal, and he needed to get his head in the game. There was time for sex later… hopefully.
As Jimin pushed the partition aside and re-entered the parlor, he almost turned right around and walked out. Jungkook’s jacket was off, his tie loose and sleeves rolled to his elbows. Jimin’s eyes raked over every bulge of hard muscle that he could see under the white cotton. His eyes trailed down to the bared forearms, biting his lips at the tawny skin and visible veins that threaded under his skin. He tried to ignore the shot of arousal that slid down his spine as he closed the partition and walked to his chair.
“Hi.” Jimin said as he sat in his seat, grabbing his wine and draining the glass, hoping that the drink would help bolster him up.
“Hi.” Jungkook smiled as he watched Jimin drain his glass. “So… before we get distracted again, we need to discuss the financial side of this arrangement.”
“Agreed.” Jimin gave a nod and a little smile as Jungkook refilled Jimin’s wine glass and topped off his own.
“Would an allowance of $10,000 a month be acceptable to you? Obviously that wouldn’t include gifts and trips and things like that.”
Jimin felt his mouth drop open. There was no way he’d heard that right. He closed his mouth and swallowed reflexively.
“I-I’m sorry… did you just say ten thousand dollars a month?”
“Yeah. Is that not enough? I would be willing to go up to fifteen.”
“Jesus Christ, Jungkook. That’s a fortune! I mean… there’s no way that sex with me is gonna be good enough to pay that kind of money. I assure you, that I’m not worth that much.”
Jimin was twisting his hands in his lap, face a map of open, honest confusion as he looked at Jungkook. The Alpha felt himself rankle at the idea of Jimin thinking he was worth so little. He had no idea how much Jungkook would give for a single night with him. He felt like ten thousand a month was honestly probably too low.
“I have a feeling you’re going to be worth every penny of it, pretty boy. So, what do you say?”
Jungkook held his hand out over the table and Jimin stared at it in shock. He reached forward and grasped the large, warm palm and shook it.
Somehow it kind of felt like making a deal with the devil as he looked into those dark, hungry eyes. But Jimin couldn’t bring himself to regret taking the Alpha’s offer.
“Now that the money is out of the way, let’s talk about some other aspects of our little deal.”
“Like what?” Jimin looked up at him with his pretty grey eyes.
“Well, like what I’m going to need from you, and what you’re okay with.”
“Okay. I filled out a list of sex things at Magic Shop… did they not show you that?”
Jungkook ran through the list of delicious ideas that Jimin had checked off on his paperwork and gave a small, pained smile. He was pretty sure it wasn’t good to hard for this long, his balls were starting to ache from the prolonged arousal.
“They did show me it sweetheart, and I can’t wait to do all those filthy things with you. But I’m more talking about your schedule and mine. When we will meet, where we will meet, that kind of thing.”
“Oh. Of course.”
Jimin flushed with embarrassment again. Of course that was what he was talking about. He needed to get his head out of the gutter for a single minute and focus on the conversation.
“My schedule is a bit hectic, so I will probably mostly call for you at night, generally after at least 7 o’clock. I also work a lot of weekends, so those times will be scattered as well. Basically, what I’m asking is, are you willing to come when called?”
That question had such delicious double meaning, but either way the answer was yes.
“Yes, of course. I’ll get you a copy of my schedule, but basically I have classes Monday thru Friday. Monday ends at 5:00, Tuesday at 2:00, Wednesday at 3:00, Thursday at 5:00 and Friday only goes til’ noon. I’m totally free on the weekends.”
The Alpha let the idea of spending an entire weekend in bed with Jimin cut through him. He needed to get a secretary or an assistant or something. He was going to need more free time, that was for sure.
“How would you feel about meeting me at my office after hours on occasion?” Jungkook asked wryly, raising a brow and eyeing him with dark interest.
Jimin felt a surge of warmth coalesce between his legs again. He had no idea how he still was producing slick. His body had to run out at some point he thought, and he’d been half-wet all day. But the image of fucking Jungkook in a big fancy office, probably with a lot of windows was the most tantalizing taboo image.
“I think I could manage that.”
“You really are perfect. Such a pretty boy with such adventurous tastes.”
Jimin felt his face get hot again and cursed himself for being such an uncontrollable blusher. He looked down and bit his lip to try to hold his smile back. He really didn’t need Jungkook knowing how much his praise was affecting him. He reached forward and took a little roll from the basket that the waiter had brought, tearing a little piece off and putting it in his mouth. He tried to focus on chewing, on figuring out what was in the bread by taste. He needed a distraction.
Jungkook watched the Omega as he got shy again. He wondered exactly how inexperienced he was. Jimin had said he didn’t have a lot of experience, but he was only realizing that he probably wasn’t downplaying it. The list of kinks he’d seen in the file had been quite extensive, but they way he reacted to the slightest praise, the smallest amount of dirty talk had Jungkook wondering if most of his experience wasn’t with porn or books. He watched him pick at the roll he’d taken from the basket and wanted to coo at how cute he was, tearing little bites off and nibbling on them.
He was far more innocent than Jungkook had originally thought, and that knowledge was excruciatingly delicious. He was going to show his pretty boy all those dirty things he wanted to see and experience. He wanted very much to corrupt him, to wreck him so thoroughly that he’d feel him for days afterward. Jungkook picked up his wine and sipped at it, watching Jimin across the table, enraptured by him.
“How many Alphas have you had?”
Jimin almost choked on his bread, coughing and finally swallowing before taking a sip of his water. That question had been unexpected, but he guessed it was a fair question. He wondered if that information had been in his portfolio. Probably not. He hadn’t gone into specifics anyway, so they wouldn’t know the whole story.
“Um… none, actually.” Jimin rubbed the back of his blond hair awkwardly.
“Are you a virgin?”
“No. I’ve had sex. He was an Omega like me.”
“An Omega?”
This had to be a joke. Because if the only sexual partner he’d ever had was another Omega, he might as well be a virgin. Good god, what had he gotten himself into? Could he actually do this? With an Omega who was basically untouched? The idea of him being the first Alpha ever to take Jimin shot straight to his gut and down to his cock. He was the luckiest Alpha in the world, he was completely certain.
“Yeah, he was a friend from high school. We agreed to be each other’s first times…” Jimin paused and Jungkook watched as he looked down, suddenly looking a little upset. “I know I’m not… probably what you were expecting. I understand if you want someone with more experience, who knows what they are doing.”
“My little pretty boy, so sweet. I don’t want someone else. I want you.”
Before Jimin could respond, they were interrupted by the waiter delivering their food. He set their plates on the table and left after a making sure they didn’t need anything else. Jungkook looked across the table to see Jimin peeking up at him through his lashes with a soft little smile pulling at his lips.
“I want you too.” The words were so quietly spoken that Jungkook almost missed them, but as he heard them his inner Alpha howled in triumph.
Jimin thought Jungkook was much less intimidating when he smiled. It made him look much younger and made him seem more approachable. Jimin felt himself relax slightly. Jungkook still wanted to go through with their arrangement. He told himself that his excitement was just about the money and not about wanting to please the Alpha. Because that would be ridiculous They had only just met and they were basically friends with benefits. There was nothing more to it than that.
They ate their dinner quietly, both thinking over what had been said and agreed upon, and about the possibility of this night ending with amazing sex. Jungkook had to admit that Jimin knew how to pick an excellent meal. The food was exquisite, and he wondered what kind of food the Omega specialized in. They occasionally stole glances at each other between bites of food, sometimes catching each other in the act and smiling a little.
Even though the meal was quiet, it wasn’t awkward or stilted. It felt strangely comfortable. They were two near strangers, but somehow felt at ease. Maybe it was because there wasn’t any deception between them. It wasn’t like the usual date where both parties tried to pretend that sex wasn’t the first thing on their mind, and that you really cared about your date’s three cats and all the people at their job. Exhausting.
They both knew where this night was headed, so the atmosphere wasn’t one of polite interest and discretion, but of desperate anticipation. Because they were going to fuck, that much was clear between them without needing to be said. After their meal, Jungkook was taking Jimin back to his apartment. He was going to get him so wet and pliant under his hands and mouth that he would be able to take his cock without pain, and then he was going to fuck him. Hard.
When the waiter brought the check, Jungkook handed over his card, then left an extravagantly large tip. He thought it was the least he could do since the poor waiter had had to deal with them smelling like sex all night and had been a consummate professional. He had earned it. Once Jungkook signed the receipt he looked to the Omega across the table with a little half grin that was full of mischief. He stood and slipped his jacket back on and offered Jimin his hand.

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Autor(a): dul_candy22

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**Summary for the Chapter:**> Jungkook takes Jimin back to his place for the evening. **Notes for the Chapter:**> Please enjoy!> > I'm gonna take a few days break from this story and work on some of my other WIPS and things. So just an FYI, in case you will be waiting for another update tomorrow. > > Also, yes I am using American currency values. Mostly bec ...


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