Fanfic: Mais uma vez amor (Laliter) | Tema: Laliter

..White lips, pale face
Breathing in snowflakes
Burnt lungs, sour taste
Light's gone, day's end
Struggling to pay rent
Long nights, strange men
And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since 18
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
And they scream
The worst things in life come free to us
Cos we're just under the upperhand
And go mad for a couple of grams
And she don't want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
Or sells love to another man
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly
Angels to fly
Ripped gloves, raincoat
Tried to swim and ...
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Data | Capítulos |
26/05/2013 | Boas e Más Lembranças. |
20/05/2013 | Sobre. |
20/05/2013 | Prólogo. |
Autor(a): Joyce ♫
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isa_casiangeles13 Postado em 12/07/2013 - 02:12:28
Posta mais, simplesmente amei a web é pft
glanzani Postado em 20/05/2013 - 20:03:55
Posta mais
gabskrum Postado em 20/05/2013 - 20:01:43
1° Leitora u.u ` amei o Prólogo, meio triste mais.pft *-* posta posta